Nelson Can rocks

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Nelson Can rocks! February 24th, 2018, Nelson Can, Pumpehuset, Copenhagen.

It was a great night at Pumpehuset in Copenhagen. After a disappointing concert a few nights ago with Slowdive (læs It was a slow dive), it was a completely different story tonight. The Danish band Nelson Can delivered a blazing show. The beats were deep and flowing, the vocal was amazing.

Nelson Can was full of energy and they made the crowd go crazy. A super great concert and we are looking forward to next time.

Neslon Can on stage. Pumpehuset, Copenhagen.

Nelson Can on stage. Pumpehuset, Copenhagen.

Neslon Can still rocking. Pumpehuset, Copenhagen.

Nelson Can rocks. Pumpehuset, Copenhagen.

Heading home after a great concert. Nelson Can, Pumpehuset, Copenhagen.

Heading home after a great concert. Nelson Can, Pumpehuset, Copenhagen.