Maria, Shakira and “The Antpitta Man”

Early beginning of the day It was still dark as we set off together with our guide Juan Carlos and our driver Carlos. It was five in the morning and we were going to Refugio Paz de las Aves to Læs mere… / Read More…

More birds and less soil under the nails

We have completed our two-week stay at Buenaventura. As I write this we are in the Copalinga lodge just outside the town of Zamora. Copalinga recently became part of Fundacíon Jocotoco’s now 12 reserves. But this entry is about our Læs mere… / Read More…

Soil under the nails

Reserva Buenaventura We are back in higher altitudes as we are in Fundacíon Jocotoco’s reserve Buenaventura. The sanctuary is in southern Ecuador on the west side of the Andes, not for from the town of Piñas. Buenaventura, which among other things consist Læs mere… / Read More…