Wolf Alice: Visions of a life tour (Lille VEGA)

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Fredag 19.01.2018 [english summary below].

Yes! Igen en super fed koncert med Wolf Alice.

Fredag aften var britiske Wolf Alice kommet til Lille VEGA i København på deres Visions of a life tour. Koncerten var udsolgt og et veloplagt publikum tog godt imod bandet.

Vi fik alle de fede numre fra både det seneste og tidligere udgivelser.

Wolf Alice on stage. Lille VEGA.


[Video] Blush – Wolf Alice performing at Lille VEGA, Copenhagen (Video by Uffe Damm Andersen, 19.01.2018).

[wpvideo 75sw9duH]

Det var den svenske duo Wy, der var opvarmning og de var også gode med deres shoegazer-dreamrock.

Efter koncerten / After the concert

Foto og video: Uffe Damm Andersen.

[Summery in english]

Friday 19.01.2018.
Yes! Again a super great gig with Wolf Alice.

Friday night the band was at Lille VEGA in Copenhagen where they played a gig on their Visions of a life Tour. The koncert was sold out and the crowd was ready.

We got all the great songs from their latest and previous releases.

Swedish dou Wy was support and they were good too with their shoegazer-dreamrock sound.

Photo and video: Uffe Damm Andersen.