Nelson Can – Live at Orangeriet, Tivoli

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[This post is not yet in Danish – Dette indlæg er endnu ikke på dansk]

They are so cool! Danish trio Nelson Can create the perfect mood on an ordinary Thursday in the famous old fairground Tivoli in the center of Copenhagen. Like last time Albicilla Explorer was at a Nelson Can concert it was again a super concert with this Danish band

With only drums, bass and an amazing vocal the band played their bold minimalist punk rock in front of a small crowd who got what they came for – an intimate show filled with energy.

The gig was a part of Tivoli’s ‘Lillefredag’ event or in English ‘Little Friday’. ‘Lillefredag’ are some small intimate concerts every Thursday throughout the summer. You can read this summers full program here.

It was the first time the band played in Tivoli and since it was an open-air concert at a small stage the band told that they had adjusted the set a little to be more slow and quiet. It worked fine it was still like being at a Nelson Can concert. You can have a look for yourself by watching the video below the photos.

You can read more about this great danish band on their website:

Nelson Can performing live at 'Lille fredag' - 31 May, 2018, Orangeriet, Tivoli.

Nelson Can performing live at ‘Lillefredag’ – 31 May, 2018, Orangeriet, Tivoli.

Maria Jutunen playing the drums. Nelson Can, 'Lille fredag' - 31 May, 2018, Orangeriet, Tivoli.

Maria Jutunen playing the drums. Nelson Can, ‘Lillefredag’ – 31 May, 2018, Orangeriet, Tivoli.

Signe SigneSigne playing the bass. Nelson Can, 'Lille fredag' - 31 May, 2018, Orangeriet, Tivoli.

Signe SigneSigne playing the bass. Nelson Can, ‘Lillefredag’ – 31 May, 2018, Orangeriet, Tivoli.

Selina Gin on vocal. Nelson Can, 'Lille fredag' - 31 May, 2018, Orangeriet, Tivoli.

Selina Gin on vocal. Nelson Can, ‘Lillefredag’ – 31 May, 2018, Orangeriet, Tivoli.

Nelson Can performing live at 'Lille fredag' - 31 May, 2018, Orangeriet, Tivoli.

Nelson Can performing live at ‘Lillefredag’ – 31 May, 2018, Orangeriet, Tivoli.

After the show. Nelson Can at 'Lille fredag', Orangeriet, Tivoli. 31 May, 2018.

After the show. Nelson Can at ‘Lillefredag’, Orangeriet, Tivoli. 31 May, 2018.